
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Prayers To The Victims


It's devastating to wake up to morning show reporters breaking news of yet another tornado to rip across yet another US city. This time in Missouri.

{Photos from nytimes.com}

The images and television footage look as if they are scenes from a horrific movie. 

Sending my condolences to those who have lost friends and loved ones in any of the horrific tornado's over the past two months, and thoughts, prayers, and strength to those who are living this nightmare.

Click here for an article I came across with ways you can help victims in Missouri.

We acquire the strength we have overcome.  ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
P.S. Throughout all the heartache I have had this week, I DID celebrate my 27th Birthday yesterday, May 23rd. I had a great Birthday dinner with my family at the restaurant Fishbones, Downtown Detroit and had a awesome time. I am very blessed to have made it another year and hope I have many years to come.


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